Builders Program

Ecoasis has invested significant time and resources working with residents, golf members and contractors to positively cultivate our beautiful resort community.
Each exceptional home site,has been thoughtfully sited to take full advantage of the natural terrain and pristine beauty that makes Bear Mountain such an incredible place to live.
Our priority is to continue to grow our community with the highest quality homes, protecting value for those who have chosen to live at Bear Mountain and establishing a sound investment for those considering a move here. In an effort to consistently improve our neighbourhoods, Ecoasis is continuing the Approved Builders program established in our latest neighbourhoods.
Ecoasis recognizes the importance of ensuring that homes in Bear Mountain’s emerging neighbourhoods complement one another with respect to design, street appeal, sense of scale and mass, quality of construction and materials. This is our commitment to future residents of Bear Mountain and to Approved Builders investing time and energy towards the betterment of our community.
As part of the new program, Ecoasis will expand the number of Approved Builders by opening up the opportunity for new builders to apply and become approved. Ecoasis will work with Approved Builders to ensure adherence to our revised Bear Mountain Design Guidelines in order to protect your significant investments.
Bear Mountain single-family residential lots are available to Purchasers seeking an ideal location for their dream home and to qualified builders approved by Ecoasis.
Please contact the Real Estate Sales office at 250-391-6100 for more information.
Does this mean anyone can build in Shadow Creek? This means anyone has the opportunity to be considered by Ecoasis to be an approved builder.
How do I qualify as an approved builder? In order to qualify as an Approved Builder, builders will need to complete the approved builder application form and provide the following to Ecoasis:
– Photos and addresses of residential homes built over the last three years
– A copy of your Builder’s License (in good standing)
– Letter(s) of reference
What do my approved builder and I need to provide to the Bear Mountain Design Panel in order to move forward with my build? In order to move forward with your build, you will need to provide:
– A full set of construction drawings and specifications for the proposed home
– Full colour rendering of the front elevation and of a side elevation of the home, complete with a description of all proposed materials
– A landscape plan, including all hard surfaces, retaining walls and location of exterior parking
What if I want to buy a lot but the builder I want to use does not get approved? In a case whereby the desired builder does not meet or exceed the standards of the Ecoasis review process, the Lot Purchaser must find an alternate builder. This could be a Builder that is already approved or a new one for consideration.