Golf Membership Eligible Address


A real estate purchase from Ecoasis Developments LLP offers the opportunity to exercise the right to a Bear Mountain Golf Club membership. The Golf Membership Eligible Address (GMEA) Membership would be attached to the address and is transferable at the time of re-sale, adding value to the property and providing an incentive for potential future buyers who otherwise would have no way of purchasing a golf membership, that can be assigned to a qualified property at Bear Mountain.

As Canada’s only 36 hole Jack Nicklaus golf experience, membership to the Bear Mountain Golf Club may be a significant selling feature as future purchasers of Bear Mountain homes will not have the opportunity to purchase a transferable Bear Mountain Golf Club membership unless the home or lot they are purchasing is one from Ecoasis Developments LLP, or the seller’s home is designated as a GMEA Membership. The membership can be transferred, and subsequently activated by the new purchaser. When buying a re-sale property at Bear Mountain, it is important to ask if the home is a GMEA both for transferability of the membership and for the value add of a GMEA Membership. Bear Mountain continues to strive to be Canada’s most sought-after residential resort community and new amenities being initiated resort-wide will only add to the real estate offerings available.


Q: What is a Golf Membership Eligible Address (GMEA Membership)?
A: A GMEA Membership is a transferable golf membership at Bear Mountain and will be reserved for Purchasers of Ecoasis property on Bear Mountain. Only GMEA Memberships will be eligible to be assigned to GMEA properties, which include Ecoasis properties, and any addresses that purchased a GMEA Membership previously.

I am interested in a Golf Membership Eligible Address (GMEA Membership) but no one in my family golfs. I do, however, want to protect this option for re-sale purposes. I understand I can protect this by agreeing to a dormant membership. What is a dormant membership?
A: A dormant membership is a GMEA Membership maintained for the purpose of adding value to a Bear Mountain property by designating the property as a GMEA home with a transferable membership. Initiation fees must be paid in full but the membership is not activated and therefore full monthly dues are not activated. There is, however, a monthly dormant fee.

Q: How much does it cost to maintain a dormant membership?
A: There is a fee of $40.00 per month to maintain the dormant membership. There are no golf membership rights with a dormant membership; however, your GMEA Membership remains in good standing and is transferable at time of property resale.

Q: What is the monthly dormant fee for?
A: The monthly dormant fee is an administration fee to protect your rights to one of the limited GMEA Memberships. As you are not activating your golf membership, your monthly fee will be substantially less than the full monthly golf membership fee.

Q: Is there a limited number of times that I can play with a dormant membership before I must activate it? (i.e. If I only golf three or four times a year – it is better to pay green fees).
A: You won’t have any golf membership rights to the golf course with a dormant membership. You can, however, pay green fees and play.

Q: If a Purchaser buys my GMEA property at Bear Mountain, how much will it cost them to transfer the membership?
A: It will cost 10% of current initiation fees for the new homeowner to transfer the GMEA Membership.

Q. What are the monthly dues for an active golf membership?
A: Dues are subject to change for active golf memberships and will adjust annually as is the case with most golf memberships. Our objective is to offer a premium experience at a reasonable rate. As with any club, if there is a spirit of cooperation, initiatives to keep rates low can be achieved. Dormant dues are as stated above.

Q: If a Purchaser buys a property at Bear Mountain from Ecoasis, how much will the GMEA Membership cost?
A: That will depend on the time of purchase. There may be different promotions during the sale of each new real estate project so the terms will vary. Buyers will, however, be eligible to purchase/receive a GMEA Membership with the Purchase of an Ecoasis property while quantities last. You won’t have the option to buy a GMEA Membership if you purchase a Bear Mountain property that does not already have a GMEA Membership.

Q: Is a GMEA Membership at Bear Mountain transferable to family members?
A: Yes, a golf membership at Bear Mountain is transferable, one time only to a direct family member, or as part of the GMEA program, you will have the option to assign the membership to your eligible property at Bear Mountain proper.

Q: How many memberships do you plan to sell?
A: In an effort to maintain the highest level golf experience, membership levels will be managed accordingly.

Q: If I purchase a GMEA, how do I know that my investment is secure over time?
A: The membership contract will address such.