Court Reservation booking rules, dress code and etiquette

General Rules
Advance reservations may be made by a member up to six (6) days in advance.
Members may reserve from any computer or mobile device with internet access or by contacting the Golf and Tennis Pro Shop during business hours at 250-744-2327.
For members, reservations for the 6th day open at 6 am.
Advance reservations may be made by resort guests and the general public up to three (3) days in advance. Courts may be reserved by contacting the Golf and Tennis Pro Shop during business hours at 250-744-2327.
For all eight (8) courts, play periods will be 90 minutes starting at 6 am, completing when dark during the outdoor season and 11:00 pm during the indoor season.
Clocks will be posted at the west end of courts #1 to #4 and #5 to #8. The time on the clocks will be considered the “official time.”
Players may continue to play after their booking time expires, however, the court must be made available immediately for players who claim the court with a valid booking.
Players must be attired in proper tennis clothing and shoes. Official clay court shoes are recommended and proper tennis shoes are accepted.
If players are not properly attired or not wearing suitable footwear, they will not be allowed to play. Attire of all players must be conventional and accepted tennis apparel. Colours are permitted. Designs and logos on all apparel must be tennis related and in good taste.
Shoes worn on the clay courts are not permitted anywhere in the hotel. Please clean your shoes after play with the equipment provided and change your shoes prior to entering the hotel.
Players MUST sweep the clay courts and brush the lines following completion of play. This includes at the end of evening play.
As a courtesy, members unable to use their “Advanced Booking” must cancel it at least two hours prior to the start of the booking time or the reservation will count as one of their advanced bookings.
Resort guests and the general public unable to use their “Advanced Booking” must cancel at least 24 hours prior to the start of the booking time or fees will apply.
All eight (8) courts, four (4) courts at a time, will be blocked off for 90 minutes for court maintenance (brushing and watering) Monday to Friday during the early afternoon (low use).
The clay courts are to be used for tennis play only.
Rules for Resort Guests & General Public
Advance reservations may be made by the general public up to three (3) days in advance. A player who is not a BMTC member (general public) may book a court by contacting the Pro Shop 250-744-2327 during business hours or in person and must secure payment for the reservation fee of $20 (outdoor season), and $30 (indoor season) per player, per day at the time of their reservation. This is a resort guest fee for the day, additional walk in or open play courts can be booked upon availability.
Players must sign in at the Pro Shop prior to play.
Players must provide a minimum of 24 hours notice to cancel a reservation or guest fees will apply. Guests who fail to show up for a court reservation will be charged the reservation fee.
Guest access is limited to a maximum of two (2) days per calendar month up to a maximum of 10 visits annually.
All charges are subject to applicable taxes.
Court Courtesies and Etiquette
Entry to Courts #1 to #4 is located at the North gate between courts #2 and #3.
Entry to Courts #5 to #8 is located at the South gate between courts #6 and #7.
Please do not enter courts while play is in progress.
Please wait until court sweeping has been completed by the players finishing play.
Members and guests are asked to complete play 5 minutes prior to the changeover time and MUST sweep the court and brush the lines following play. This includes before regular scheduled maintenance and end of evening play.
Please place any garbage, ball tins, lids, grips, etc., in the garbage bins located on court.
As a courtesy to all members and guests, the use of cell phones is strictly prohibited on court!
Please turn off cell phones or set them to silent mode while on court.
General Booking Rules
Players may not hold consecutive court bookings.
One (1) player may book a court however all players must be named on the booked court, two (2) for singles and four (4) for doubles.
All players listed on a booking must be the players playing on the court.
Any player listed on a reservation may change a reservation or add names to the booking.
All players must check in at the Pro Shop prior to play.
Rules for Advanced Court Bookings (up to 6 days)
Advance reservations may be made by a member up to six (6) days in advance.
Members may reserve from any computer or mobile device with internet access or by contacting the Golf and Tennis Pro Shop during business hours at 250-744-2327.
For members, reservations for the 6th day open at 6 am.
A Member is limited to three (3) advanced reservations per week (Monday-Sunday)
A member may have multiple advanced courts booked at a time to a maximum of three (3), with the exception that they cannot be back to back bookings (two in a row).
Resort guests and the general public may make reservations up to three (3) days in advance. Contact the Pro Shop during business hours to reserve at 250-744-2327.
All players must check in at the Pro Shop prior to play.
Rules for Walk-in Court Bookings: Tennis Members (day of play)
Walk-in courts are available for members on the day of play and will not count as an advanced booking.
Walk-in courts can be booked up to 12 hours in advance starting at 6:00am on the day of play.
A player may only book a maximum of 2 walk-in courts per day.
Walk-in courts may be booked by members from any computer or mobile device with internet access or by contacting the Golf and Tennis Pro Shop during business hours at 250-744-2327.
Rules for Walk-in Court Bookings: Resort Guests and General Public (day of play)
Walk-in courts may be booked by resort guests and the general public by contacting the Pro Shop during business hours at 250-744-2327.
All players must check in at the Pro Shop prior to play.
If a Walk-in court is not booked by the start of the booking period it becomes an “Open” court and is available for play.
Rules for Open Courts (unbooked)
If a court is not booked by the start of the booking period the court becomes an “Open” court and cannot be booked. This “Open” court is available on a first come first serve basis for players to walk on or remain on and play for the balance of the time period.
Players may continue to play after their booking time is finished, however, the court must be made available immediately for players who claim the court with a valid booking.
Clarification of Rules
Players may not reserve consecutively over two time periods. In other words 4 players may not book under the first 2 names for 90 minutes and the second 2 names for the next 90 minutes and play doubles for 3 hours.
Members may continue to play after the end of their booked time period until such time as other players claim the court with a valid booking.
All players must check in at the Golf and Tennis Pro Shop prior to play.
Tennis Court Monitoring
Our Tennis Concierge staff will monitor the tennis courts throughout the day for adherence to booking and other tennis rules. Staff will notify players found in breach of the rules in person, with details of the breach.
If fellow players observe a rules infraction, the player may do any one of the following:
(a) Contact any member of our Tennis Pro staff.
(b) Write an email to the Tennis Director with the date, time and details of infraction.
(c) Respectfully advise the offending player of the rule.
All charges are subject to applicable taxes.